Thursday, December 11, 2008

Love the pics!

Ahhhhh....I love the pics of the pups by the tree...sooooo cute! I will have to take a pic of our fake tree still sitting in the box and post it on the blog ;) hahahha...maybe I will put it up this weekend. Been putting it off since I'm not sure when we're moving but we still haven't heard anything. I'm glad to hear that Grandpa's eye surgery went great! Keep up with those drops! I'm sure they feel really nice once they are in...I think I am addicted to eye drops! Yeah, Ally was kinda scared of Santa and I think she was confused...but she keeps on talking about the Barbie convertible she wants..not for her Barbies but for her to ride in, ugh she's such a diva! I already got her some new squeaky balls to play with...she just loves them but goes thru them so fast because she loses them! Well I better get back to work...loving all the Snoopy pics!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok...A convertible for ALLIE? That is a! Would love to see a pic of that and your tree in the box!! Her santa pic is so cute!
Keep us updated on your move!