Thursday, February 19, 2009

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Oh, how I love those Reese's Peanut Butter Cups! of my favorite form of Chocolate..I buy a bag of them, meaning to just eat one or two a day...well, no way, in about 3 days, THEY ARE GONE!, and I say, well, no more of that, and the next time we go to Walmart, I try to stay away from the candy isle, and sometimes I manage to do just that, and all Irvin has to say is "Do you want to get some candy?", and I, of course grab a small bag, and he reaches over and takes the small bag, and gets a big bag....(sweet man!), and I say, "oh no, I just need a little bag". well, he knows me, after 54 years of marriage...and my "sweet tooth", and he leaves the BIG bag in the, of course, I don't want to hurt his feelings...When we get home, I "hide" my bag of Reese's way in the back of the soon as I finish washing the supper dishes, and settle down for a evening of watching T.V., I find a excuse to go to the kitchen, and the Pantry and out comes that bag and well, I can't waste that money that went to buy that candy, well, you know how this ends...

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