Saturday, September 13, 2008

glued to the tv

well, this has been almost 24 hrs of on and off "glued to the tv", during the day, I was able to stay busy, washing, cleaning,checking what was going on with "Ike", mopping, cooking, checking "Ike" again, etc...but, since darkness fell, oh my, what a long has been mostly "checking what is going on with "Ike"...have heard of so many tragic things happening during this storm, first Galveston, so many people that refused to leave, and finally, most of them did go to Ball High school for refuge, then all of the houses that burned to the ground, because the firemen could not get to them for all the water, these poor people have so much to go thru , when they do finally do get to go back to their homes, is 2:30 a. m., and no use to even think of going to bed, we are waiting for our turn to deal with "Ike"..just heard about Brehams resturant burning down in downtown, Houston, and a little girl getting burned over 50% of her body, also her Father that ran in to save her is critical, ..The little girl and her Mother were in the resturant, don't know the details, but pray for that precious child, her Father, Mother...Regina and I are keeping contact thru the instant messenging, ..the girls are riding the storm out in Houston, ..Beth and James had to be in California with her job, and went before they knew of the storm coming in, so the girls are there in Houston, so Regina is calling them every couple of hrs, and sending instant messages to me, thank God for the instant messageing ...we know that God is in control, and will take care of us, and yes, "This too shall pass"

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