Saturday, September 20, 2008

putting this out there

Was talking to Barbara this afternoon, and they were planning to go and get a new computor , and like it happens to everyone, had to spend the money on their truck, so I am just "putting this out there", if anyone has a extra one or knows of a com. just gathering dust, please let them know....and thanks to Rachel for the oh so cute pic of Ally...need more, please.... any pictures that yall can send, please do, we all enjoy them.....will be glad when Bryan gets his comp. back to speed again too, so he can join us...they are still without power, and Corene had her power, but a transformer blew, oh boy.....our internet keeps going on and off, so we never know when we will have cable, and hopefully the power will stay on, but there is so many transformers blowing, till we never know....I know, it could be much worse....Grandpa goes Monday to MD Anderson, for blood collection, hopeing so much that , that is built up, then we go from there, keep him in mind, please....yall send in your news, please, i am about to run out ....and I don't plan to go to the hospital again, to make news, ha, ha, just kidding,...but , really, I so enjoyed reading all of the comments, from you all, it was so neat of yall to stay in touch that way, well, will go for now, I want to get everything caught up, so we can watch "Saturday Night Live"....

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