Wednesday, October 29, 2008


"Time for the TRICK OR TREATERS,....the goblins, the Batmans, the Little Princess"es, the Superman's, well, you get the idea..Nowadays, they go to all of the Halloween Parties, the Fall Festivals, which is a lot safer than the old time Trick or Treating..but , it is a "shame" that the Children can't enjoy Halloween like in the "Old Days" be able to go from house to house in their neighborhood, with their friends, in their costumes, with their trick or treat bags, collecting lots of candy, then going home to devide among each other, and trade for their favorite, my kids were probably the last generation to be able to do that. As I put wrapped candy in a bowl to give to the Children if they do go "Trick or Treating", and put the decorations on the porch, I think we will be doing good to have a few to ring the doorbell and shout "Trick or Treat", yes, it is a SHAME!

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