Wednesday, October 1, 2008


October, my favorite time of the, I got my "scarecrow " out of storage, and put him on his bench....It is almost a "unspoken rule" in Pt. Aquarius that come October, out come the "Scarecrows", (oh, I know there is another name for them, so someone let me know, please, what that is), but in the meantime, it is a scarecrow...when we moved here two and a half years ago, I noticed in October, almost every house had one somewhere in front, some on benches, some in different parts of the yard, and I didn't have one, so I started looking for one,....well, there was not a single one to be found in this part of the country, everyone HAD theirs(probably for as long as they have lived here, ) because I am sure somewhere in the "rules " for Pt Aquarius it states that EVERYONE MUST HAVE A SCARECROW, I KNOW, that sounds very silly, but I was to the point that I thought it could be possible(?), well, one day, while in Walmart, I FOUND one, and there were only 2 or 3 left, so I grabbed him and took off to the check-out...I was almost HUGGING that stuffed thing by the time I got to the check-out, (very funny sight) I am sure.. When we got home, I didn't even put anything in the Fridge, or pantry, I took my "precious Scarecrow" , and went looking for a place for him,..He has been in different places on our front porch, but this year, he is "sitting very proudly on our bench", he thinks he has "Arrived"


Anonymous said...

I remember helping my mom search for a scarecrow for you! I am so glad that you found one!

annh said...

Thanks, Amy...please send more pics my way....