Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Empty Cookie Jar"

"The Cookie Jar is EMPTY", "Grandpa". sadly said, a few days ago....That is a hint for me to bake more oatmeal cookies with, I got busy and put 2 cookie sheets in the oven , and made him "Happy". That man LOVES oatmeal with the raisins cookies!...well, all was well til that evening, and I was craving my Reeses Peanut Butter cups..and went to the candy bowl, and there was the empty wrapper that I left the night before, and NO MORE Reeses peanut butter cups, oh, "Woe is me".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the visuals....that is so cute but I want cookies..or do I want PB cups...hhhmmm I'll take both!!!