Monday, January 19, 2009

catarack surgery

Irvin had the surgery today, and everything was good, til a while after we got home, and then he got a bad headache on top of his head, and the eye starting hurting, and then he couldn't see out of his eye, so I immediately called the eye clic number, they said to come down, and they started checking him right away, the pressure had built up in his eye, they gave him 2 pills for that, drops. the pressure at that time was 50, so the medication they used brought it down within a few minutes to 25, and they said should go down to normal this eve....his headache went away, and his eye felt better..we go back in the morn...the dr. said occassionaly that happens, and it comes on suddenly, without warning, ...he didn't have that problem with the first eye that was operated hopefully, this won't happen again, at least the dr. said it shouldn' talk about scared, We were Scared!

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